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Menampilkan postingan dari 2018

Misconceptions About Jihad

Culture, Social, Political, and Security In the Name of Allah, the Most Compassionate, the Most Merciful. And for Rasulullah Muhammad SAW, piece be upon him. At the beginning,  I should like to sincerely thank for your coming in this blog. In this changes I want to talk about jihad.  Have you ever heard about that before? I assume you are thinking about something wrong about that. The Arabic word "jihad" is often translated as "holy war”. However in a purely linguistic sense, the word " Jihad/Jahada” in Arabic means struggling or striving or make an effort. So, there are misunderstood concept about Jihad. The concept of ‘Jihad’ has been misconceptions is not among muslims but among non muslim also. There are political and religious groups who using ‘Jihad’ for their benefit, to justify various forms of violence. And if you hear the news about terrorism, sometimes you feel scary or inflamed your temper. And you’ll asking, why? Why they do that? Why ...

Kalap Belanja di Indonesia International Book Fair

IIBF atau Indonesia International Book Fair adalah acara pameran buku tahunan yang berkembang menjadi semacam bazar dadakan. Tahun ini IIBF diadakan dari tanggal 12 s/d 16 September 2018. Gue berencana datang tanggal 15 dan nggak mempersiapkan diri untuk belanja banyak di bazar itu. Rencana awal gue ke IIBF adalah untuk ketemu editor salah satu penerbit buku. Gue berhasil mendapatkan slot konsultasi di jam setengah satu siang.

Gencar Promosikan Wisata Halal? Jepang VS Lombok

Topik ini muncul saat gue ngobrol sama teman di acara Indonesia International Book Fair (agak-agak nggak nyambung memang). Teman gue itu cerita tentang bagaimana pengalamannya selama traveling ke Jepang. Kota yang bersih, teratur, disiplin dan yang paling menarik adalah, Jepang menawarkan destinasi wisata halal.